Don't Give Up on Your Great Idea Just Yet!
Just because one thing you’re doing isn’t working, doesn’t mean you’re on the wrong path or you need to scrap the whole project, idea or business. Sometimes you just need to pivot, as they say in Silicon Valley — change direction, adjust your business to fit the market better. By getting in there and trying, and actually starting, you may realize you’re moving slightly in the wrong direction, or that what you need to be doing is something slightly different, or very different, but you wouldn’t have figured that out if you had never started your business/project in the first place.
Maybe your overall idea is good, you’re just going about it the wrong way, or you’re in the wrong market. If it's something you really care about, don’t give up every time you hit a bump in the road, or realize that some part of your plan/business/project is not working.
Maybe if your idea isn’t working, it’s because it’s too broad of an idea — you’re trying to cover too much territory and trying to please everyone, instead of one segment of the market. Try focusing on a niche market, or even a niche of a niche. Small businesses especially need to narrow down their market and become really good at one thing, at least in the beginning. Maybe instead of trying to do three or four related things you should try to do one thing extremely well. It always amazes me when I read a story about someone who does this weird little thing, something you wouldn’t think there is a market for at all, but they achieve success and recognition because they do that one thing unbelievably well.
Try to think of all the different versions of your idea, business, or project. Be creative. Be unique. Be innovative, like Jackson Pollock was (it’s his painting in the above photograph). Maybe you have a good idea, but it could be more innovative, or cater to an underserved segment of the market. Always be thinking about innovation and how your idea can be more original, more unique, and better serve your customer. You must innovate, innovate, innovate!
Maybe your idea isn’t the problem, it’s your lack of marketing that’s the problem. Who are you marketing this to? Are you even marketing at all? You have to find a way to reach the right people. Be innovative in your marketing as well.
For creative people, sometimes it comes down to finding the right medium. Are you painting when you’d really be a much better sculptor? Are you trying to write fiction when non-fiction is what you are best at? Are you making YouTube videos when you should be filming a documentary?
If you are the “product” then think about how you can be more unique and innovative. People, customers, employers want to be excited about you, they want to feel like you are special, or have something unique to offer. Think about what makes you special, or what special skills you have to offer. People want to see something they haven’t seen before. Don’t be like all the rest, dear. Be unique, be memorable!
Just because you aren’t succeeding at the moment, does not mean you are on the wrong path. Don’t give up! Maybe you just haven’t found your niche yet.
#business #success #marketing #innovation #advice
Rebecca Pavlik is the author of Time to Break Some Rules, Sweetie! a humorous advice book for young women. For more details and to view on Amazon click here.